The studio as art

…was the title of an open call for Haus-A-Rest magazine. I got in.

I don’t have a studio. Which, what with me being an artist, everywhere is a studio. Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t. Or not just. It’s also hugely annoying.

In many ways, our art looks like us. It looks like our lives, with what resources and infrastructure we have access to, the materials we get to use and the techniques we get to perfect. And right now, that is sub-obtimal, to put it mildly, constrained in life, and thereby in art.

Creativity is always under constraints. And that is OK, and that is what it’s meant to be in a way too. I can’t do everything, with every material in the world, in all the sizes and techniques in the world anyway. I need to start where I am, with what I’ve got.

I am not going to let any of that stop me from making art. And – like with every artist – the art will look a bit like me, and my circumstances. And that’s how it is.

I work in small formats, A5, A4, trying to push to A3. Recently experimented with A2 which in all honesty isn’t manageable at all in my current setup. So while the quest for space is artistic (I would LOVE to be able to go beyond a foldable bistro table or experiment with other materials for example. A million practical reasons), it is also a philosophical one. What space am I able to take up and inhabit? It’s not just that though, this is beyond square feet or square meters, it’s more like do I command the space I occupy? Will bigger be better?

I’m still rebuilding my life after a few too many freak setbacks. Hence the space constraints. I’m optimistic this will get better. So there will be more space in the future. I can’t wait to see what I’ll be able to make of it.

In the meantime, here is the piece from Haus-A-Rest:

Studio Life (shown in Haus-A-Rest magazine)

Published by Change and Coaching

I support passionate explorers called to bring more of themselves to make positive change. We go deep and make it practical. I work with start-ups and growing businesses that want to embody these principles. Writing and teaching is also a part of what I do.

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