The studio as art

…was the title of an open call for Haus-A-Rest magazine. I got in. I don’t have a studio. Which, what with me being an artist, everywhere is a studio. Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t. Or not just. It’s also hugely annoying. In many ways, our art looks like us. It looks like ourContinue reading “The studio as art”

Unfinished. Reflections on an “undead” piece

This one is currently in the “unfinished art show” in Margate. I loved the reflections that show prompted for me last year so I am delighted to be a part of it this time. The piece I submitted is called “literally not”, and I’ve had a fractious relationship with it, and there is an interestingContinue reading “Unfinished. Reflections on an “undead” piece”

A beauty I cannot capture: Meet my new film

Sometimes you start making something in one medium, and then it wants to become something totally different. That’s how my first film happened, as I started working on the topic it really wanted to be a film, and now it is. It’s 7 min, and first launched at The House of Smalls (February 2024). ItContinue reading “A beauty I cannot capture: Meet my new film”

The “noir” book interview

I’m featured in the Noir art book, and got the opportunity to share a few thoughts on my practice and on art in general. I usually work in very bright colours, although the sombre, triste does feature. So I used this as a way to stretch my practice and just work in black ink. ThisContinue reading “The “noir” book interview”

Gender and its discontents

I wrote about gender and toys and play recently at Gary’s the Advent Blog series (the quotes below are all from the original blog) “As children, we love playing, and we love our toys.  We learn our ways into things, into ways of being via play. We use toys, and then craft stories around them.Continue reading “Gender and its discontents”

The Golem vs. generative AI – an exhibition

It was such a delight to open my exhibition last week. The topic is the legend of the Golem, generative AI and the limits of human creation. Given not everyone will be able to see this in person, I made a video with my opening speech and the works featured in the exhibition. Come forContinue reading “The Golem vs. generative AI – an exhibition”